Trinity Evangelical Christian University & Seminary
This is our Doctor of Theology independent study program called our Oxford Method.
This degree focuses on formal theological study at the Doctorate Level. It is a good degree for those who have a master’s degree in Divinity, theology, or ministry desiring to grow in a deeper understanding of theology and the doctrine of the church. Different fields are available for study in one of four fields: Pastoral Theology, Historical Theology, Systematics, and Biblical Theology.
All fields must take generic core independent reading study and then have sub-disciple readings based on their selection.
Please note that those who desire to study biblical theology must prove their biblical language knowledge by either passing a Greek/Hebrew Language exam or providing proof of formal education in the languages.
An option of a dissertation-only path is available with approval from a Dean or President of TECU. The dissertation-only path requires a minimum of pages in APA format and a required number of citations.
About TECU’s Oxford Method Program:
Trinity Evangelical Christian University’s Oxford Method Degree Study Programs are designed with the active Christian, seeking their place in their calling in mind.
Our “experts” from both academia and the mission field have come together to create these exciting study programs combining the very best in texts, both contemporary, modern and classic, foundational, that are available most anywhere, with the tried and true method of old – that immerses the student in the content with a purpose that encourages exploration, interpretation, critical analysis, and life application to very real needs, and issues for today’s church, ministries, ministers, missions, missionaries, and even the lay workers of the Kingdom.
All this is accomplished through the leading of the Holy Spirit and the Author’s intent for the text. There are no scheduled dates or times. After you have been accepted and enrolled, you simply purchase the books and begin by moving through the assigned texts one after the other, writing about what you are exposed to, each building upon the last. We are confident that you will find most of it exciting, thought provoking, worthy, and foundational. At the completion of your study program you will have amassed a writing project that covers each text in it’s entirety that includes, the concepts of the text, your interpretation, and an evaluation for both your personal life and ministry application.